Nissan Owner's Manuals

2002 Nissan Pathfinder Owner's Manual

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2002 Nissan Pathfinder Owner's Manual Free owner's manual for 2002 Nissan Pathfinder in pdf. We do not charge any fee for downloading the manual. In case you did not find the information you need, we advise you to look at the manuals for other years.

The Pathfinder SUV delighted customers with its launch in 1985. The 2022 model, for example, features three rows of seats, among other innovations. Multiple seats in the second row, can be replaced by captain's chairs of the owner's choice, the centre console is quite easy to remove. Huge vertical windows reduce blind spots and make parking easier. There are many more storage compartments in the cabin. Already familiar to customers, the 3.5 litre petrol-powered V-6 engine produces 284bhp and 259lb-ft of torque.

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